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A Place Within the Mystery

My passion lies in noticing, experiencing and recording a moment held within the natural world in (on) which we all depend.  

My work is mainly intuitive, drawing directly from time spent in my local countryside of Devon.  


I start each piece by making rough sketches to ‘capture’ a moment, sense or feeling.  I journal extensively to gain a further sense and knowledge of the animals and plants that I am representing in stitch.  The main body of each piece is constructed from carefully chosen pre-loved textiles, which I colour using both procion and natural dyes. 

These are then hand printed and/or painted and pieced together using a variety of hand stitches. I also often incorporate natural finds and meaningful text within my work creating a mixed media collage whilst rescuing old embroideries and hand stitching them using broderie perse appliqué into the landscape in the belief that this honours
 the original embroiderer and enhances the story of each piece.

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