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A Place Within the Mystery

I start each piece by making rough sketches to ‘capture’ a moment, sense or feeling.  I journal extensively to gain a further sense and knowledge of the animals and plants that I am representing in stitch.  The main body of each piece is constructed from carefully chosen pre-loved textiles, which I colour using both procion and natural dyes.  These are then hand printed and/or painted and pieced together using a variety of hand stitches. 


Fyxen -Vixen in old English

Having watched a 
fox trot nonchalantly into our garden to retrieve its stash of bantams, I felt compelled to study this
russet carnivore.


The background is made by layering hand-dyed, printed old sheeting with layers of net and silk, embroidered together using a variety of hand-dyed and commercial threads.  I have incorporated leaves gathered from Kingsbridge, Devon into the landscape.  I collaged fabrics, over-laying with wool and silk stitches, drawing on photographs and my memory of foxes to create this cheeky chappie.

Buy Fyxen cards, prints, and original artwork. 


Lammas- Late Summer Hare

I wanted to capture the heat and stillness of late summer; that time when Nature is holding her breath, waiting for the arrival of Autumn.  

The landscape was constructed by layering hand-dyed and printed scrap fabrics incorporating commercial material with silks and net, which were then hand-stitched together using hand-dyed and commercial threads.

I collaged fabrics, adding layers of stitches in wools and silks to depict the Hare whilst using Broiderie Perse applique for the poppies to honour the original embroiderer.

Buy Lammas cards, prints, and original artwork. 

The Hidden

The Hidden- Hare and Fox

This late Spring textile was my first landscape, although the Hare had travelled with me for a number of years before breaking free.

I have learned so much about how to dye and make marks on fabric using recycled materials where possible.  I enjoy the process of collaging and have discovered that I prefer the art of slow hand-stitching.  

I enjoy creating a story depicting my local landscape often incorporating natural finds for example leaves while celebrating the work of other embroiderers by using
Broiderie Perse applique.

Buy The Hidden cards, prints, and original artwork.


Titmice- Long-Tailed Tits

The inspiration for Titmice came one winter's night when I saw a group oflong-tailed
Tits huddled together trying to keep warm on the bare branches of a tree, like
Christmas baubles.

I used an old quilted cushion cover for the background, painting it to suggest a landscape.  Each titmouse has been created by hand-stitching using embroidery silks into collaged scrap fabrics.  I have then cut away both stitches and fabric to imitate the fluffed-up plumage.

Buy Titmice the original artwork. 

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